Torres & Zheng at Law, LLC. (T&Z)

Business Disputes

At Torres & Zheng at Law, LLC (“T&Z Business Law”), our Dispute Practice Group specializes in helping small to medium-sized companies amicably resolve their business disputes. Many disputes, even those of a complex legal nature, can often find resolution through out-of-court negotiation or mediation. It’s crucial to note that a significant majority of cases are settled before reaching trial. 

Whether it involves a simple phone call to understand the opposing party’s position or a face-to-face meeting outside the courtroom, where both sides can explore compromises to avoid unnecessary expenses, a reasoned dialogue can often pave the way for dispute resolution. 

However, there are instances where parties cannot find common ground without the pressure of litigation. In such cases, we are committed to vigorously advocating for our client’s interests, pursuing their claims through trial if necessary. At T&Z Business Law, when business litigation in New York becomes unavoidable, our primary objective is to secure the best possible outcome for our client swiftly and cost-effectively. Moreover, we prioritize empowering our clients by imparting strategies to better protect themselves or their organizations in the future. Our approach is geared towards achieving optimal results while considering the long-term interests and protection of our clients. 

Discover how our Dispute Practice Group can support you by arranging a consultation today. Contact us at (917) 277-3479 or [email protected] to schedule a consultation with an experienced Dispute Practice Group attorney

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